Thursday, April 12, 2012

Once upon a Time

I have been feverishly working on a Folk and Fairy Tale Unit for school. It's composed of 7 fairy tales and 3 nursery rhymes. I organized each story on a weekly map that outlines all of the literacy lessons to go with each story. If there's a science, math, or social studies connection, I listed that too. Definitely a strong feeling of accomplishment after completing this!

These are some of the books I'm using in my unit. I ordered a few more from Scholastic.

The unit includes the following stories and poems:

Goldilocks and the Three Bears by James Marshall
Leola and the Honeybears, an African American Retelling by Melodye Benson Rosales
The Three Little Pigs, by James Marshall
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, by Jon Scieszka
The Three Billy Goats Gruff, by Scholastic
The Little Red Hen
Red Riding Hood, by John Marshall
Lon Po Po, by Ed Young
Cinderella, by Barbara Karlin
Hickory Dickory Dock Poem
Jack and the Bean Stalk
The Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe Poem
Humpty Dumpty Poem

This is an example of the week long map for each fable. Every week has at least 2 stories that are focused on. I love when things work out perfectly! I love that I was able to tie in blends with this unit.

I am also planning on tying in the Jolly Postman in this unit. Not sure if it should be at the beginning or the end,  but I know that it's absolutely appropriate to what we've been doing at school. We have been starting to write letters to students in Pennsylvania (it's actually my college roommate's 1st grade class). Letters + Fairy Tales = The Jolly Postman = Happy Teacher!

I am very excited to try these activities with my class! Their activities will be posted soon!


  1. I love the colorful writing idea! I can't wait to get started with my kids tomorrow!

  2. Thank you! Let me know how it works out with your students! One thing that I tried last week to introduce them to the basics (underlining capital letters and punctuation marks) was during our morning work. Lately my class has needed practice copying things from the board. When they finish writing a do now sentence such as "Today is ________. We have ______ this afternoon" and fill in the day of the week and our special, I have the ones who finish early underline in red the capital letters, and punctuation marks in orange. You really start to see if they truly understand or not where a punctuation mark goes, or a capital letter. Good luck with the colorful writing! Please let me know how it works out!
